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Young Samaritans
Set The Example

of Kids helping kids
From coast to coast, young americans are reaching out.

 Ian is nine years old. He heard about children suffering in Afghanistan and wanted to do something about it.

He decided to draw pictures of cars and sell them to his friends and relatives. He then took that money and sent it to us so we could use it to help children in Afthanistan.


Kids in Redding, CA Raise almost $17,000 to help other kids!

Remember . . . You can do big things . . . no matter how old you are.

When the 4 th, 5 th and 6 th graders heard about some of the suffering around the world they decided to do something about it. And boy did they! They shared their vision with the church and got everybody into the act. They even had a contest as to who could raise the most money. The 4 th graders won but everybody ended up winners because they raised over $16,000!!!

Thanks, Holly, for your inspirational leadership, and thank you 4 th, 5 th and 6 th graders at Little Country Church for making such a BIG difference in the lives of thousands of people. You're all world changers!

Tyler, who is in 5th grade, and his brother, Cole, who is in 4th grade, spent two whole days doing chores around the house to earn money from their parents for relief projects. Together they raised $50.
Marissa, who is in 4th grade, had received a ten dollar bill for her 9th birthday. She gave it all to one of our Relief Funds.
Courtney is in 4th grade and raised a little over $60 by going around her neighborhood with a shoebox she decorated and asking for donations to help usi. She raised the most money out of all the kids in Jr. Church.

Thanks Alex

Alex, a junior high student in Michigan, saw a news program about people suffering because of the war in Darfur, Sudan -- and wanted to help. She collected money  from friends, family, and local businesses to contribute to our relief efforts.