
Our Kid to Kid
Katalog has
been created to help you
and your children reach out
to others who are in great
need of the many things that
we take for granted.
Look through our "Katalog" and give a different
kind of gift this year... |
Even a small gift makes a BIG Difference in the life of a needy child ...
by providing food, clothing, immunizations,
shelter, education, a comfortable bed and
most importantly, love, through Children’s
Hunger Relief Fund’s Kid to Kid Program. |
Imagine waking up everyday
unsure if you will be
able to find any food to eat . . .
$15 (15¢ a day) can help provide a
nutritionally balanced meal for 100
orphans for one day in Africa.
$55 (15¢ a day) can help feed one
child in Africa everyday for one year.
$36 can help supply three meals a
day for a month for 10 children in
Uganda or South Africa. AIDS has reached extreme levels across
Africa. So far, the AIDS epidemic has left behind
more than 13 million children without
parents to take care of them. These children
become homeless orphans forced to
beg for help in the dirty city streets. Imagine
waking up everyday unsure if you will
be able to find any food to eat. With your
help, children will receive three nutritious,
balanced meals they desperately need.
$40 can help supply two balanced
meals a day for a month to homeless
children in Nicaragua or Mexico. In Mexico and Nicaragua, many children
are living alone on the streets, trying
to survive. When the police find these
abandoned children, they are weak and
hungry. Wanting to help, the police bring
them to one of our many loving homes
because they know the children will be
fed and well-cared for.
$25 can
help provide
and annual
growth monitoring
for up
to 100 children
in Kenya. In Africa, measles, tuberculosis, polio and
other diseases take the lives of millions
of children every year. For children in the
U.S., it isn’t a worry because we can go
to the doctor and receive immunizations
that will help our bodies fight against
bacteria and viruses. For children in Africa,
these diseases are a constant threat
and many will die without the proper
medicine. Help provide these vital immunizations
to children in Africa who might
not otherwise survive. |
$30 can
help provide a
water storage
tank for a
Kenyan family. Often children must walk for miles to
find water. In Africa, lakes and streams
dry up quickly leaving behind dirty, muddy,
polluted water. Small bacteria thrive
in the shallow water and can cause children
to become very sick and die. You
can help children have clean water by
donating $30 towards a water tank. |
$15 can
help provide food, clothing,
education and
school supplies
for one
child in Sudan. Because of the years of war in Sudan,
children’s everyday routines, such as
going to school, have been almost completely
lost. Most of these children don’t
have schools to go to - the buildings
have been destroyed in government bombings. Classes often must be held
outside, under the trees. They don’t have
food for their lunches or school clothes
to wear or books to help them learn. |